You're not the only one. In accordance with these 2007-2009 (pre-Black Friday) stats, more than 15 million people in the United States play poker online for real cash. Which is roughly 2.5percent of the whole adult population.
Would you blame them? I can't -- online poker is much superior than playing live. Here are Only a few of the Numerous reasons I favor it:

The Rules Different Poker Games
For the sake, and those playing with you, you should learn the principles of the poker game/variant you plan to play until you sit down.
We've included the rules of Texas Holdem and other poker variations in our section dedicated to various poker games.
How Can Online Poker Work?
The essential thing to recognize about playing poker on the internet, as opposed to other gambling games like blackjack or roulette, is that you're playing against other real players. You may sit at a virtual poker table and be up against opponents from all over the world.
Many men and women play online before considering what goes on"behind the scenes" It's definitely not something you want to understand to be able to relish playing or become successful.
Choosing Where to Play Online Poker
Your first step to playing online poker is choosing where to play. You will find dozens, or even more than 100 different sites to choose from. And it's important (for many, many reasons) that you make the right choice.
Talk about stressful. And, overwhelming.
It really is well worth taking the extra time to ensure you make the right decision, though, as there are numerous factors that can determine whether you have a fantastic time...or a bad moment.
However, no need to worry, this is something we can assist you with. is the ideal location to begin.
Types of Poker Games & Variations You Can Play
One thing you'll notice about online poker is that you've got a great deal of poker games and variations to choose from. Far more than you will ever have offline. There are a couple of reasons why this is:
There is no room constraints on the internet. An online poker room may offer as many tables and games and variations as they desire without consuming much space. And if they need more room, it is much cheaper and simpler to secure more space on the web than it would be to get more square footage offline.
Two, offline rooms are going to offer only what is hottest. And for many casinos and poker places that means holdem money games and tournaments, with maybe the random omaha or dealer's choice game mixed in.
Conclusion -- Get Started Now
We covered a whole lot. And, honestly, we are just covered the tip of this iceberg. There's so much more to online poker compared to that.
So. Much. More.
But we are scared that when we throw everything plus the kitchen sink at you, you are going to spend most of your time studying and not enough time playing. You won't do it. Yet, taking action -really playing poker- is where you know the most.